
📚Gds vocabulary session📚

15/04/2022(Friday-09:05 pm)

 1. WORRISOME (ADJECTIVE): (चिंताजनक): worrying 

Synonyms: daunting, alarming 

Antonyms: reassuring 

Example Sentence: 

The situation were becoming worrisome day be day. 

2. CONCEDE (VERB): (स्वीकार करना): admit 

Synonyms: acknowledge, accept 

Antonyms: deny 

Example Sentence: 

I had to concede that I overreacted at his behaviour. 

3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलाना): summon 

Synonyms: call, order 

Antonyms: disperse 

Example Sentence: 

He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel. 

4. SIGNIFICANTLY (ADVERB): (विशेषकर): notably 

Synonyms: remarkably, outstandingly 

Antonyms: slightly 

Example Sentence: 

Energy bills have increased significantly this year. 

5. TROUBLED (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): anxious 

Synonyms: worried, concerned 

Antonyms: unworried 

Example Sentence: 

We felt very bad looking at her troubled face. 

6. TERMINATE (VERB): (समाप्त करना): end 

Synonyms: close, conclude 

Antonyms: begin 

Example Sentence: 

He was advised to terminate the contract. 

7. REMOTE (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): unlikely 

Synonyms: improbable, implausible 

Antonyms: likely 

Example Sentence: 

Chances of a lasting peace became even more remote. 

8. REMISS (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): negligent 

Synonyms: neglectful irresponsible 

Antonyms: careful 

Example Sentence: 

It would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information. 

9. IMMUNE (ADJECTIVE): (बचा हुआ): resistant 

Synonyms: not subject to, unsusceptible 

Antonyms: susceptible 

Example Sentence: 

They are immune from legal action. 

10. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure 

Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe 

Antonyms: success 

Example Sentence: 

His plans turned into a fiasco


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