
📚Gds  Weekly vocabulary session📚 

11/04/2022(monday-09:05 pm) 📰

1. EXPEDIENT (ADJECTIVE): appropriate

Synonymsfeasible, practicable 

Antonymsunfeasible, unseemly 

Example Sentence:

We gave them an expedient solution to their problems. 


Synonymsdisintegrating, collapsing 

Antonymshealing, restorative 

Example Sentence:

The crumbling building got destroyed in minutes. 


Synonymstormenting, vexing 

Antonymspleasing, soothing 

Example Sentence:

The provoking words of the boss made him resign. 

4. RENDERED (ADJECTIVE): performed

Synonymsconcluded, accomplished 

Antonymsincomplete, unfinished 

Example Sentence:

They rendered a brilliant act of the play. 

5. BOLSTER (VERB): help

Synonymsreinforce, sustain 

Antonymshalt, neglect 

Example Sentence:

His actions bolstered our actions. 

6. REPEL (VERB): push away 

Synonymsward off, fend off 

Antonymsapprove, aid 

Example Sentence:

He repelled the enemies away. 

7. INSURGENT (ADJECTIVE): rebellious

Synonymsrevolutionary, anarchical 

Antonymsobedient, subordinate 

Example Sentence

The insurgent activists were killed


Synonymsbigoted, hidebound 

Antonymsbroad-minded, liberal 

Example Sentence

The provincial views must be changed

9. RETALIATE (VERB): get even with someone

Synonymsreciprocate, retrospect 

Antonymspardon, forgive 

Example Sentence: 

The enemy didn’t retaliate at the same time. 

10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): thoughtful 

Synonymsphilosophical, thorough 

Antonymssuperficial, unintelligent 

Example Sentence: 

He took profound steps. 

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