phrasal verbs relative to traval

19 Useful Phrasal Verbs for Travel in English 👉🅿️

  • See off: Go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone
  • Set off: Start a journey
  • Get in: Arrive (train, plane)
  • Hold up: Delay when travelling
  • Take off: When a plane departs or leaves the ground
  • Check in: Arrive and register at a hotel or airport
  • Get off: Leave a bus, train, plane
  • Check out: Leave the hotel after paying
  • Get away: To have a holiday or vacation
  • Get on: Enter a bus, train, plane, to climb on board
  • Drop off: Take someone to a place and leave them there
  • Pick up: Let someone get into your car and take them somewhere
  • Set out: Start a journey, especially a long journey
  • Speed up: Increase speed
  • Look around: Explore what is near you, in your area
  • Hurry up: Rush and not waste time
  • Go back: Go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye
  • Look forward: Look forward to something that is going to happen in the future
  • Stop over: Stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey
  • Touch down: To land at an airport
  • The government has called for (request) an end to hostilities in the region.
  • He checked out (investigate) the rumor, and managed to verify that it was true.
  • We checked by (visit) the office to see if the stuff was ready.
  • Can you tell me how the accident came about (happen)?
  • Don’t try to come after (follow) me.
  • I’d like you to come along (accompany) with me to the opera.
  • Your English is really coming along (make progress)!
  • The cup just came apart (break) in my hands.
  • As I backed away, he came at (attack) me with a knife.
  • I′m not going to come at (try) that again. Too risky.
  • I left work and came back (return) home early.
  • comes before (precede) G in the alphabet.
  • Real estate prices have come down (decrease) since the peak of the boom.
  • The company came down on (punish) him very hard after he was found skipping work.
  • Please come in (enter) and look around.
  • That flight just came in (arrive).
  • After his father died, he came into (inherit) a large fortune.
  • Did the trip to Paris ever come off (take place)?
  • The new garden is coming on (develop) nicely.
  • I apologise for my behaviour last night. I don’t know what came over (affect) me.
  • The team came through (succeed) in the end and won the pennant.
  • I’ll let you know if any vacancies come up (happen).
  • He came up (appear) before a judge and was fined a thousand dollars.          
  • It’ll be warmer once the sun comes up (rise).
  • We’re going out to lunch. Do you want to come with (join)?
  • We need to cut back heavily on (reduce) office supplies. 
  • If we cut out (remove) the middle-man, we will both have better profits.
  • He has his work cut out (arrange) for him.
  • That is where your reasoning falls down (fail).
  • It seemed like a good idea, so we fell in with (accept) it.
  • How are you getting along with (handle) your schoolwork?
  • I don’t understand. What are you getting at (mean)?
  • I‘ve got some things to do for about an hour. After that, get at (contact) me.
  • The train got away (depart) exactly on time.
  • She claims the publishers never really got behind (support) her new book.
  • Nothing gets me down (discourage) so much as a rainy day.
  • Jane’s always getting down on (criticise) the kids.
  • If I wake up during the night, I cannot get off (fall asleep) again.
  • In case of fire, get out (escape) by the nearest exit.
  • I’m trying to get over (overcome) my fear of flying.
  • She got through (finish) her book this morning!
  • He got up (criticise) me about the mess I made in the kitchen.
  • Give me back (return) my book!
  • What he did goes against (violate) the rules.
  • Careful, he’ll go for (attack) your throat!
  • Management won’t go for (accept) such a risky project now.
  • The bomb went off (explode) right after the president left his office.
  • He went off (leave) without a word.
  • He went on (proceed) to win a gold medal.
  • Please go out (leave) through the back door.
  • Hang on (wait a moment). Let me check
  • Hold up (wait) a minute. I want to check something.
  • The dam can’t hold back (stop) that much water.
  • held down (continue) that job for years.
  • How long can they hold out (survive) without water?
  • We will have to hold over (save) these files until tomorrow.
  • He tried to keep away from (avoid) danger.
  • Let’s kick off (start) this project with a planning meeting.
  • The rent has been kicked up (increase) again.
  • I’m going to stay at home on Saturday and just kick back (relax).
  • They knocked out (complete) the entire project in one night.
  • I promised him I would meet him there, and I will not let him down (disappoint).
  • He accidentally let out (disclose) the location for the meeting.
  • The rain shows no sign of letting up (stop).
  • I can’t find my keys, so I’ll look around (search).
  • looked at (consider) the possibility of buying a new car.
  • Thieves made away with (steal) £30,000 of jewellery in last night’s heist.
  • The new computers make for (contribute) much greater productivity.
  • The men made off (escape) as the police arrived.
  • Kids! Stop messing about (misbehave) and do your work!
  • Don’t mess around (play) with electricity if you don’t understand it.
  • After a long battle with cancer, the professor passed away (die) yesterday.
  • The millennium passed off (happen) without any disasters.
  • I’ll pass on (skip) dessert, thanks.
  • We’ll pass out (distribute) copies of the agenda.
  • I want to pass over (ignore) this quite quickly.
  • He passed up (refuse) my invitation for dinner.
  • Did you pick up (notice) his nervousness?
  • I’m calling him, but he just isn’t picking up (answer)!
  • Children who do not receive enough attention may begin to play up (misbehave).
  • He pulls in (earn) a lot of money.
  • We put down (pay) a $1,000 deposit.
  • Put down (write) the first thing you think of on this piece of paper.
  • put in (contribute) an extra hour at work today.
  • The storm put the game off (delay) by a week.
  • The factory puts out (produce) 5000 units each day.
  • Please hold the line a moment while I put you through (connect) to the sales office.
  • That dog will get hurt if he continues to run after (chase) cars.
  • The guys who robbed the bank last week have finally been run in (arrest).
  • The option will run out (expire) next week and I can’t get it extended.
  • Before we start the project, let’s just run over (describe briefly) who is doing what.
  • Two youths set about (attack) him.
  • How much do you suppose that fancy dress set her back (cost money)?
  • Could you speak up (talk more loudly)? I can’t hear you.
  • I can’t simply stand by (do nothing) and watch you ruin your life.
  • We won’t stand for (tolerate) that type of behaviour.
  • I’m going to take off (depart) now.
  • I’ll take off (quantify) the concrete and steel for this construction project.
  • Please take out (remove) the trash before the whole house starts to smell.
  • The books on finance take up (occupy) three shelves.
  • Let’s take up (resume) where we left off.
  • The team threw away (waste) its chance at the semifinals.
  • The baby threw up (vomit) all over my shirt.
  • He turned down (refuse) all our offers of help.
  • Hundreds of people turned out (attend) to see the parade.
  • The bakery turns out (produce) three hundred pies each day.


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