📚Gds  Weekly vocabulary session📚 

02/03/2022(Thursday-09:05 pm) 📰

FLAK (NOUN): : Criticism

Synonyms: Censure, Disapproval

Antonyms: Approval

Example Sentence:

You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.

2. QUASH (VERB): : Suppress

Synonyms: Put an end to, Finish

Antonyms: Prompt

Example Sentence:

A hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs.

3. EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): Remove

Synonyms: Clear, Move out

Antonyms: Hold

Example Sentence:

Several families were evacuated from their home.

4. MAVERICK (NOUN): : Individualist

Synonyms: Nonconformist, Free spirit

Antonyms: Conformist

Example Sentence:

He's the maverick of the senate.


Synonyms: Fertile, Inventive

Antonyms: Non-productive

Example Sentence:

In captivity tigers are prolific breeders.

6. GRACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): : Courteous

Synonyms: Polite, Civil

Antonyms: Ungracious

Example Sentence:

The hostess of the party was gracious.

7. INDELIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : Ineradicable

Synonyms: Ineffaceable, Indestructible

Antonyms: Erasable

Example Sentence:

He has an indelible impression on me.

8. INCREDIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : Unbelievable

Synonyms: Beyond-Belief, Unconvincing

Antonyms: Believable

Example Sentence:

Hers is an incredible tale of triumph.

9. DESPICABLE (ADJECTIVE): : Contemptible

Synonyms: Loathsome,Hateful

Antonyms: Admirable

Example Sentence:

What he did was a despicable crime.

10. ENRICH (VERB): : Enhance

Synonyms: Improve, Augment

Antonyms: Spoil

Example Sentence:

Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France.
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