📚Gds  Weekly vocabulary session📚 

31/03/2022(Thursday-09:05 pm) 📰

1. PENURY (NOUN): : Extreme Poverty

 Impoverishment, Indigence

Antonyms: Wealth

Example Sentence:

He soon rose from penury to ease, and married a painter's beautiful daughter.


Synonyms: Immediate, Instantaneous

Antonyms: Gradual

Example Sentence:

I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject.

3. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : Practicable

Synonyms: Practical Workable

Antonyms: Impractical

Example Sentence:

It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.

4. DISMISS (VERB): : Banish

Synonyms: Set aside, Abandon

Antonyms: Entertain

Example Sentence:

He suspected a double meaning in her words, but dismissed the thought.

5. NORM (NOUN): : Standard

Synonyms: Usual, Normal

Antonyms: The exception

Example Sentence:

Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's not norm.


Synonyms: Judiciary, Juridical

Antonyms: Illegal

Example Sentence:

A judicial inquiry was required.

7. SUMMON (VERB): : Send for

Synonyms: Call for, Ask for

Antonyms: Discharge

Example Sentence:

A waiter was immidiately summoned.

8. INDUCE (VERB): : Persuade

Synonyms: Convince, Prompt

Antonyms: Dissuade

Example Sentence:

The pickets induced workers to stay away

9. ATTEST (VERB): : Certify

Synonyms: Corroborate, Confirm

Antonyms: Disprove

Example Sentence:

The witnesses must attest and sign the will in the testator's presence.


Synonyms: Strained, Fraught

Antonyms: Stable

Example Sentence:

The political situation was becoming more volatile.

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