📚Gds  Weekly vocabulary session📚 
14/05/2022(Saturday -09:05 pm) 📰


Synonyms: Loyal, Faithful

Antonyms: Disloyal

Example Sentence:

He is known for being a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby.

2. DESECRATE (VERB): : Violate

Synonyms: Profane,Pollute

Antonyms: Venerate

Example Sentence:

Not more than 300 graves were desecrated.


Synonyms: Irritating, Exasperating

Antonyms: Soothing

Example Sentence:

The newspaper had allowed to publish a provocative article.
4. UPHOLD (VERB): :Confirm

Synonyms: Endorse, Sustain

Antonyms: Overturn

Example Sentence:

The court upheld his claim for damages.


Synonyms: Dazzling, Exciting

Antonyms: Boring

Example Sentence:

His scintillating wit was loved by the audience.

6. ACQUIT (VERB): : Absolve

Synonyms: Clear, Exonerate

Antonyms: Cnvict

Example Sentence:

One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted.

7. OUST (VERB): : Expel

Synonyms: Force out, Remove

Antonyms: Readmit

Example Sentence:

The reformists were ousted from power.
RIG (VERB): : Dress

Synonyms: Equip, Furnish

Antonyms: Disrobe, Uncover

Example Sentence:

The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.

9. ENTANGLE (VERB): : Involve
Synonyms: Confuse, Complicate

Antonyms: Clarify, Exclude

Example Sentence:

Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy


Synonyms: Calculated, Deliberate

Antonyms: Accidental, Casual

Example Sentence:

Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp


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