📚Gds  Weekly vocabulary session📚 
12/05/2022(Thursday-09:05 pm) 📰

1.SEVER (VERB): : break off

Synonyms: discontinue suspend

Antonyms: maintain

Example Sentence:

The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy.

2.GRIM (ADJECTIVE): : stern

Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting

Antonyms: amiable

Example Sentence:

He gave a grim expression to me.

3.ABROGATION (NOUN): : repudiation

Synonyms: revocation, repeal

Antonyms: institution

Example Sentence:

The abrogation of the bogus constitution was very necessary.

4.DEBILITATE (VERB): : weaken

Synonyms: enfeeble, enervate

Antonyms: strengthen

Example Sentence:

Hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities.
5.INCURSION (NOUN): : attack on

Synonyms: assault on, raid on

Antonyms: retreat

Example Sentence:

Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.


Synonyms: acquisitive, covetous

Antonyms: generous

Example Sentence:

He showed none of the avaricious temper so common among the politicians.

7. MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): : innumerable

Synonyms: countless infinite


Example Sentence:

He gazed at the myriad lights of the city.

8. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): : extortionate

Synonyms: extremely, high

Antonyms: reasonable

Example Sentence:

Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.

9. TRIVIALITY (NOUN): : unimportance

Synonyms: insignificance, pettiness

Antonyms: importance

Example Sentence:

There is mediocrity and triviality in the current popular culture.

Synonyms: self-absorbed, reflective

Antonyms: modest, brainless

Example Sentence:

She is a narcissistic actress


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