The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | daily update

04/06/2022(Saturday-09:05 pm) 📰


Synonyms: conscious apprised

Antonyms: unaware

Example Sentence:

Statesmen must be cognizant of the political vicinity within which they work

2. SPAWN (VERB): : Give rise to

Synonyms: Occasion, Generate

Antonyms: Destroy, Kill

Example Sentence:

The decade spawned a bewildering variety of books on the forces.

3. FOSTER (VERB): :Encourage

Synonyms: Promote, Further

Antonyms: Neglect

Example Sentence:

The teacher's task is to foster learning not fear.

4. HOPELESS (ADJECTIVE): : Despairing

Synonyms: Desperate, Dejected

Antonyms: Optimistic

Example Sentence:

Rajesh looked at him in mute hopeless appeal.


Synonyms: Non-compulsory, Voluntary

Antonyms: Compulsory

Example Sentence:

There has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses.

6. CONTEMPT (NOUN): : Scorn

Synonyms: Disdain, Disrespect

Antonyms: Respect

Example Sentence:

He was meant to be punished for his contempt.

7. COMBAT (NOUN): : Battle

Synonyms: Fighting Action

Antonyms: Harmony

Example Sentence:

They lost badly in a combat.


Synonyms: Bigoted, Discriminatory

Antonyms: Unbiased

Example Sentence:

People are prejudiced against us.


Synonyms: Ardent, Fervid

Antonyms: Apathetic

Example Sentence:

I was extremely zealous to finally see him.

10. EXPEDITE (VERB): : Speed up

Synonyms: Accelerate, Hurry

Antonyms: Delay , 

Example Sentence: 
He promised to expedite economic.


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