The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 12-06-2022

          📰(Sunday-09:05 pm ) 📰

1. SABOTAGE (VERB) : : wreck

Synonyms: vandalize, destroy

Antonyms: strengthen

Example Sentence:

Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces.

2. COAX (VERB): : persuade

Synonyms: wheedle, cajole

Antonyms: dissuade

Example Sentence:

The trainees were coaxed into doing boring work.

3. THRIVE (VERB): : flourish

Synonyms: prosper burgeon

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

Education groups tend to thrive on organization.
 4. EXTREMISM (NOUN): : fanaticism

Synonyms: radicalism, zealotry

Antonyms: moderation

Example Sentence:

The dangers of racist extremism are present everywhere.

5. ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): : capricious

Synonyms: whimsical, random

Antonyms: rational

Example Sentence:

He just ends up taking arbitrary decisions.

6. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): : controversial

Synonyms: contentious, doubt

Antonyms: certain

Example Sentence:

It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine.

7. ABSOLVE (VERB): : exonerate

Synonyms: discharge, acquit

Antonyms: blame

Example Sentence:

The pardon absolved them of all the crimes.

8. CHOPPY (ADJECTIVE): : rough

Synonyms: turbulent, heavy

Antonyms: calm

Example Sentence:

Sea conditions are often very choppy.

9. DISTORT (VERB): : twist

Synonyms: misrepresent, pervert

Antonyms: accurate

Example Sentence:

Many facts in the newspaper were distorted.

10. RESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): : determined

Synonyms: purposeful purposive

Antonyms: irresolute

Example Sentence:

She was resolute and unswerving.


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