The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15- 06-2022

 📰(Wednesday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. SUPERVENE (VERB): : Follow 

Antonyms: retreat, precede 

Example Sentence: 

Team members supervene their leaders. 


Synonyms: cruel, oppressive 

Antonyms: easy, gentle 

Example Sentence: 

Your master is a draconian man. 

3. DAWDLE (VERB): :Waste time 

Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate 

Antonyms: hasten, hurry 

Example Sentence: 

The teacher warned the student that he will be punished if he dawdled again. 

4. PILLAGE (VERB): : Plunder, destroy 

Synonyms: ravage, ransack 

Antonyms: protect, construct 

Example Sentence: 

The terrorists pillaged the city. 

5. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): : Deadly, injurious 

Synonyms: destructive, harmful 

Antonyms: helpful, kind 

Example Sentence: 

This is a noxious chemical. 

6. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE):  :Observant, perceptive 

Synonyms: alert, aware 

Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant 

Example Sentence: 

The CDI officers are always perspicacious with their case. 

7. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): : Enthusiastic 

Synonyms: zealous, ardent 

Antonyms: apathetic, dull 

Example Sentence: 

He is a fervent child. 

8. FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): : Spasmodic 

Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating 

Antonyms: continuous, perpetual 

Example Sentence: 

As long as his breathing is fitful, he will continue to need an oxygen machine. 

9. FLOUT (VERB): : Show contempt for 

Synonyms: defy, disregard 

Antonyms: honour, praise 

Example Sentence: 

One should not flout the traffic rules. 

10. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : Practicable 

Synonyms: possible, doable 

Antonyms: impossible, implausible 

Example Sentence: 

This seems to be a feasible solution. 


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