The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 02- 07-2022

 📰(Saturday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. ILLUSORY (ADJECTIVE): : delusory

Synonyms: delusional delusive

Antonyms: real

Example Sentence:

She knew the safety of her room was illusory.

2. HOARD (VERB): : store

Synonyms: store up, stockpile

Antonyms: squander

Example Sentence:

Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector.

3.DEFER (VERB): : yield

Synonyms: submit, give way

Antonyms: stand up to

Example Sentence:

He deferred to his absolutely superior knowledge.

4. VIRTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): : righteous

Synonyms: good, moral

Antonyms: bad

Example Sentence:

He considered himself very virtuous because he neither drank nor smoked.


Synonyms: strained, fraught

Antonyms: stable

Example Sentence:

The political situation become volatile.

6. EARNEST (ADJECTIVE): : serious

Synonyms: serious-minded, solemn

Antonyms: frivolous

Example Sentence:

His simple, earnest response and the conviction on his face floored her.

7. NOBLE (ADJECTIVE): : aristocratic

Synonyms: noble-born, titled

Antonyms: humble

Example Sentence:

The medieval palace was once owned by a noble Florentine family.

8.OBSERVE (VERB): : notice

Synonyms: see, note

Antonyms: overlook

Example Sentence:

She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.

9. SLACKEN (VERB): : slow

Synonyms: slow down, decelerate

Antonyms: speed up

Example Sentence:

The pace of trade never slackens

10. SPUR (NOUN): : stimulus

Synonyms: incentive, encouragement

Antonyms: disincentive

Example Sentence:

Wars act as a spur to practical invention.


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