The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 11- 07-2022

📰(Monday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. RESOLVE (NOUN): : determination

Synonyms: resolution, purpose

Antonyms: indecision

Example Sentence:

He received information that strengthened her resolve.

2. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): : shocking

Synonyms: appalling, horrific

Antonyms: marvellous

Example Sentence:

Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

3. AVOIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): : preventable

Synonyms: needless, unnecessary

Antonyms: inescapable, inevitable

Example Sentence:

Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.

4. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): : intruding

Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive

Antonyms: low-key

Example Sentence:

He asked an intrusive question.

5. STOCKPILE (VERB): : store up

Synonyms: amass, accumulate

Antonyms: dissipate

Example Sentence:

They stockpiled weapons and ammunition that will last several months.

6.  FEROCITY (NOUN): : savagery

Synonyms: brutality, barbarity

Antonyms: gentleness

Example Sentence:

The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

7. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): : passionate

Synonyms: avid, impassioned

Antonyms: half-hearted

Example Sentence:

I am an ardent admirer of modern art.

8. ASSENT (VERB): : accept

Synonyms: approve, bless

Antonyms: refuse

Example Sentence:

The Prime Minister assented to the change

9. PIVOTAL (ADJECTIVE): : central

Synonyms: crucial, vital

Antonyms: trivial

Example Sentence:

Japan's role is pivotal in the world economy.

10. QUASH (VERB): : put an end to

Synonyms: stamp out, put a stop to

Antonyms: bring about

Example Sentence:

A hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs


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