The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 18- 07-2022

📰(Saturday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. SUBDUED (ADJECTIVE): : sombre

Synonyms: low-spirited, downcast

Antonyms: lively

Example Sentence:

I felt strangely subdued as I drove home.

2. COMPETITIVE (ADJECTIVE): : reasonable

Synonyms: moderate, economical

Antonyms: exorbitant

Example Sentence:

We offer prompt service at competitive rates.

3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): : appeasement

Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding

Antonyms: provocation

Example Sentence:

He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.

4. ALARMING (ADJECTIVE): : worrying

Synonyms: disturbing, frightening

Antonyms: reassuring

Example Sentence:

Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.

5. DEFIANCE (NOUN): : resistance

Synonyms: opposition, confrontation

Antonyms: submission

Example Sentence:

There was challenge and defiance in her gaze.

6. MISLAY (VERB): : lose

Synonyms: misplace, lose track of

Antonyms: find

Example Sentence:

I seem to have mislaid my car keys.

7. WHIP (VERB): : dash

Synonyms: rush, race

Antonyms: dawdle

Example Sentence:

He whipped round to face them.

8. STALL (VERB): : obstruct

Synonyms: impede, hinder

Antonyms: facilitate

Example Sentence:

His career had stalled, hers taken off.

9. SHUN (VERB): : avoid

Synonyms: evade, eschew

Antonyms: accept

Example Sentence:

He shunned fashionable society.

10. (DEFER (VERB): : yield

Synonyms: submit, give way

Antonyms: stand up to, disobey

Example Sentence:

He deferred to Tim's superior knowledge


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