The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 31-07-2022

 📰 ( Saturday - 09:05am ) 📰

1. MALEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): : malicious 

Synonyms: spiteful, evil-minded 

Antonyms: benevolent, charitable 

Example Sentence: 

They smiled and looked at me with their malevolent eyes. 

2. RHETORIC (NOUN): : oratory 

Synonyms: eloquence, power of speech 

Antonyms: quiet, conciseness 

Example Sentence: 

You are  using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole

3. SCRUTINIZE (VERB): : inspect 

Synonyms: survey, scan 

Antonyms: glance at , peep

Example Sentence: 

Investers were warned to scrutinize thier trading point. 

4. SUSPENSION (NOUN): : adjournment 

Synonyms: interruption, postponement 

Antonyms: continuation , persuing 

Example Sentence: 

Ankita was angry about her suspension from the team. 

5. COMPLACENCY (NOUN): : smugness 

Synonyms: self-satisfaction, self-approval 

Antonyms: dissatisfaction , appathy 

Example Sentence: 

The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency. 

6. FEASIBILITY (NOUN): : practicability 

Synonyms: practicality, viability 

Antonyms: impracticality , fake

Example Sentence: 

There is feasibility in screening athletes for cardiac disease. 

7. TAME (ADJECTIVE): : domesticated 

Synonyms: domestic, docile 

Antonyms: wild , untamed

Example Sentence: 

The fish are so tame you have to push them away. 

8. INCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): : including 

Synonyms: incorporating, counting 

Antonyms: excluding , avoiding 

Example Sentence: 

All prices are inclusive of VAT. 

9. LAX (ADJECTIVE): : slack 

Synonyms: slipshod, negligent 

Antonyms: stern , frowning

Example Sentence: 

Lax security arrangements at the airport. 

10. STREAM (VERB): : flutter 

Synonyms: float, flap 

Antonyms: dangle ,droop 

Example Sentence: 

Her black cloak streamed behind her. 


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