The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 08- 07-2022

๐Ÿ“ฐ(Friday -09:05 pm ) ๐Ÿ“ฐ

1. CONFLUENCE (NOUN): : coming together
Synonyms: assemblage, junction 

Antonyms: division, separation

Example Sentence:

This Garden is located at the confluence of four rivers.
2. REBUT (VERB): : deny

Synonyms: quash, disapprove 

Antonyms: allow, approve

Example Sentence:

He had to rebut charges of acting.


Synonyms: weird, bizarre 

Antonyms: common, familiar

Example Sentence:

He is an outlandish king.

4. UNFEIGNED (ADJECTIVE): original:  

Synonyms: genuine, real 

Antonyms: pretentious, counterfeit 

Example Sentence: 

The reality show was completely unfeigned and free of scripted fights

5. SUAVITY (NOUN): : sophistication

Synonyms: charm, courtesy 

Antonyms: misbehaviour, rudeness

Example Sentence:

I need lessons in suavity.

6. THRONG (NOUN): : bunch

Synonyms: flock, mass 

Antonyms: individual, one

Example Sentence: 

He pushed his way through the throng.

7. INCERTITUDE (NOUN): : uncertainty

Synonyms: doubt, insecurity 

Antonyms: certainty, certitude

Example Sentence: 

Some schools broke down under the stresses of policy incertitude.


Synonyms: composed, unflappable 

Antonyms: upset, worried

Example Sentence:

She was looking unruffled. 

9. ANNEX (NOUN): : addendum

Synonyms: appendix, adjunct 

Antonyms: base, lessening

Example Sentence:

To eliminate overcrowding, the county is going to add an annex to the high school.

10. UNREFUTED (ADJECTIVE): : accurate

Synonyms: authentic, definite 

Antonyms: incorrect, indefinite

Example Sentence:

She has completed an unrefuted task.


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