The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 19- 07-2022

📰(Wednesday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. MISLAY (VERB): : lose

Synonyms: misplace, lose track of

Antonyms: find

Example Sentence:

I seem to have mislaid my car keys.

2. WHIP (VERB): : dash

Synonyms: rush, race

Antonyms: dawdle

Example Sentence:

He whipped round to face them.

3. STALL (VERB): : obstruct

Synonyms: impede, hinder

Antonyms: facilitate

Example Sentence:

His career had stalled, hers taken off.

4. SHUN (VERB): : avoid

Synonyms: evade, eschew

Antonyms: accept

Example Sentence:

He shunned fashionable society.

5. ASSAULT (VERB): : hit 

Synonyms: strike, smack 

Antonyms: defend 

Example Sentence: 

He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer. 

6. IDENTICAL (ADJECTIVE): : one and the same 

Synonyms: aforementioned, aforesaid 

Antonyms: different 

Example Sentence: 

She stole from the identical station at which she had been arrested before. 

7. ILLUSION (NOUN): : appearance 

Synonyms: impression, imitation 

Antonyms: reality 

Example Sentence: 

They have to showcase an illusion of family togetherness. 

8. PROMPT (VERB): : induce 

Synonyms: make, move 

Antonyms: discourage 

Example Sentence: 

Curiosity prompted him to look inside. 

9. REAP (NOUN): : receive 

Synonyms: obtain, get 

Antonyms: lose 

Example Sentence: 

The company is reaping the benefits. 

10. POST (PREPOSITION): : subsequent to 

Synonyms: after 

Antonyms: before 

Example Sentence: 

American poetry post the 1950s hasn't had the same impact. 


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