The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 12- 07-2022

πŸ“°(Tuesday -09:05 pm ) πŸ“°

1. MERCY (NOUN): : Leniency

Synonyms: Lenience, Clemency

Antonyms: Ruthlessness

Example Sentence:

The boy was begging for mercy.

2. INFAMOUS (ADJECTIVE): : Notorious

Synonyms: Disreputable, Ill-famed

Antonyms: Reputable

Example Sentence:

An infamous criminal was finally caught.


Synonyms: Daredevil, Intrepid

Antonyms: Cautious

Example Sentence:

I am an adventurous traveller.

4. REPRIEVE (VERB): : pardon

Synonyms: spare, acquit

Antonyms: charge

Example Sentence:

Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.


Synonyms: functional, serviceable

Antonyms: decorative

Example Sentence:

I went inside a utilitarian building.

6. RAPTURE (NOUN): : ecstasy

Synonyms: bliss, euphoria

Antonyms: boredom

Example Sentence:

We listened with rapture as the orchestra played.

7. ELOQUENT (ADJECTIVE): : persuasive

Synonyms: expressive, articulate

Antonyms: inarticulate

Example Sentence:

She delivered an absolutely eloquent speech.

8.  BUNGLE (VERB): : mishandle

Synonyms: mismanage, mess up

Antonyms: succeed in

Example Sentence:

He bungled his first attempt to manage a group of professional players.


Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish

Antonyms: reasonable

Example Sentence:

He gave me a preposterous suggestion.

10. COURTLY (ADJECTIVE): : refined

Synonyms: polished cultivated

Antonyms: uncouth

Example Sentence:

He gave a courtly bow to everyone.


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