The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 22-07-2022

📰(Saturday -09:05 pm ) 📰

1. TRAVAIL (NOUN): : drudgery

Synonyms: Trial, Tribulation

Antonyms: Comfort , Solace

Example Sentence:

Advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.

2. REDUNDANT (ADJECTIVE): : Unnecessary

 Inessential, Non-Essential

Antonyms: Necessary , Indispensable

Example Sentence:

I deplore redundant trash.

3. REVOLUTION (NOUN): : Defiance

Synonyms: Disobedience, rebellion 

Antonyms: Obedience , acquiescence

Example Sentence:

What she did was nothing but an act of teenage rebellion.
4. VEHEMENCE (NOUN): : Passion
Synonyms: Force, Ardor
Antonyms: Apathy , indifference
Example Sentence:
There was a lot of vehemence in his reaction.
5. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE) : : Eye-catching

Synonyms: Startling, Striking

Antonyms: Inconspicuous

Example Sentence:

Her routines and leotards tend to be outrageous.

6. RELAXATION (NOUN): : Moderation

Synonyms: Modification, Easing

Antonyms: Tightening up

Example Sentence:

Relaxation was given to censorship rules.

7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): : Terrible

Synonyms: Dreadful, Appalling

Antonyms: good , well

Example Sentence:

Misuse of drugs can have dire outcomes.

8. DISENGAGE (VERB): : Withdraw

Synonyms: Leave, Pull out of

Antonyms: Enter , get in 

Example Sentence:

The commanders disengaged their forces.

9. REPRIEVE (VERB): :  Pardon

Synonyms: Spare, Acquit

Antonyms: Charge , impose

Example Sentence:

He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.

10. DEFECTION (NOUN): : Desertion

Synonyms: Absconding, Decamping

Antonyms: Joining , affix , fasten

Example Sentence:

One defection from the government dissolved Temaru's majority.


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