The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 28-07-2022

📰 ( Thursday - : 09:05 ) 📰

1. COPIOUS (ADJECTIVE): : abundant

Synonyms: superabundant, plentiful

Antonyms: sparse , scanty

Example Sentence:

She took copious notes of the lesson.

2. ANNULMENT (NOUN): : voiding

Synonyms: repeal, cancellation

Antonyms: restoration ,refurbishment

Example Sentence:

The applicant sought the annulment of the decision.

3. VEHEMENT (ADJECTIVE): : passionate 

Synonyms: forceful, ardent 

Antonyms: mild , lenient

Example Sentence: 

Her voice was low but vehement. 

4. THRIFT (NOUN): : providence 

Synonyms: prudence, economy 

Antonyms: profligacy , fruitfulness

Example Sentence: 

We have been raised with the the values of thrift and self-reliance. 

5. RESCIND (VERB): : revoke 

Synonyms: repeal, cancel 

Antonyms: enforce , impose

Example Sentence: 

The government was required to rescind all the unpleasant measures. 

6. DREAD (NOUN): : fear 

Synonyms: apprehension, trepidation 

Antonyms: confidence  , credence

Example Sentence: 

The thought of returning to London filled her with dread. 

7. BRIDGE (VERB): : join 

Synonyms: link, connect 

Antonyms: divide , cleave

Example Sentence: 

New initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class. 

8. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): : contrasting 

Synonyms: different, differing 

Antonyms: homogeneous  , corresponding

Example Sentence: 

They inhabit disparate worlds of thought. 

9. TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): : twisting 

Synonyms: winding, curving 

Antonyms: straight , undeviating

Example Sentence: 

The route is remote and tortuous. 

10. OPACITY (NOUN): : obscurity 

Synonyms: density, enigma 

Antonyms: clarity , lucidity

Example Sentence: 

One has to face a lot of difficulty and opacity in Shakespeare's texts. 


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