The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 10-08-2022

📰 ( Wednesday - 09:05am ) 📰

1. EXTENSION (NOUN): : Prolongation

Synonyms: Lengthening, Increase

Antonyms: Shortening , abbreviate

Example Sentence:

The initial term of appointment is for one year with an extension of two years.

2. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): : Disorderly

Synonyms: Disordered, Disorganized

Antonyms: Orderly , neat

Example Sentence:

The circumstances in the economy are chaotic.

3. BATTER (VERB): : Pummel

Synonyms: Pound, Buffet

Antonyms: Aid , support

Example Sentence:

A prisoner was battered to death with a table leg.

4. COLLABORATE (VERB): : Fraternize

Synonyms: Conspire Collude

Antonyms: Resist. ,combat

Example Sentence:

During the last war they collaborated with the Nazis.

5. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): : Spreading

Synonyms: Circulation Distribution

Antonyms: Eradicate , eliminate

Example Sentence:

The dissemination of public information was very necessary.

6. ABUSE (NOUN): : Mistreatment

Synonyms: Maltreatment, Ill-treatment

Antonyms: Care 

Example Sentence:

She had a black eye and other signs of physical abuse.

7. APACE (ADVERB): : Quickly

Synonyms: Fast, Swiftly

Antonyms: Slowly 

Example Sentence:

Work always continues apace.

8. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): : Dangerous

Synonyms: Hazardous, Risky

Antonyms: Safe , shielded

Example Sentence:

The journey was perilous yet exciting


Synonyms: Difficulty, Issue

Antonyms: Advantage , mean

Example Sentence:

The club's financial predicament was evident.

10. MOOT (VERB): : Raise

Synonyms: Bring up, Broach

Antonyms: Stifle , suffocate

Example Sentence:

The scheme was initially mooted last October.


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