The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15-08-2022

📰 ( Monday - 09:05am ) 📰

1. WRANGLE (NOUN): : argument

Synonyms: dispute, disagreement

Antonyms: agreement

Example Sentence:

An insurance wrangle is holding up compensation payments.


Synonyms: all-inclusive comprehensive

Antonyms: exclusive

Example Sentence:

They have menus stating fully inclusive prices.

3. IMPLICIT (ADJECTIVE): : implied

Synonyms: indirect, inferred

Antonyms: explicit

Example Sentence:

Comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies.

4. VAUNT (VERB): : acclaim

Synonyms: esteem, revere

Antonyms: criticize

Example Sentence:

He was initially vaunted by the West for his leadership of the country.

5. UNSEEMLY (ADJECTIVE): : indecorous

Synonyms: improper, inappropriate

Antonyms: seemly

Example Sentence:

The discussion led to nothing but an unseemly squabble.

6. CATHARSIS (NOUN): : purging

Synonyms: purgation, purification

Antonyms: repression

Example Sentence:

Music is a means of catharsis for many of us.

7. INGRAINED (ADJECTIVE): : entrenched

Synonyms: established, fixed

Antonyms: transient

Example Sentence:

She wanted to wake up with his scent ingrained in her skin.

8. CELLAR (NOUN): : basement

Synonyms: vault, crypt

Antonyms: attic

Example Sentence:

The servants led us down into a cellar.

9. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): : threatening

Synonyms: menacing, baleful

Antonyms: promising

Example Sentence:

My ominous tone didn’t register with him.

10. OSTENSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : apparent

Synonyms: seeming, outward

Antonyms: real

Example Sentence:

The real dispute which lay behind the ostensible complaint.


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