The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 24-08-2022

๐Ÿ“ฐ ( Wednesday - 09:05 ) ๐Ÿ“ฐ

1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): : relevant

Synonyms: to the point apposite

Antonyms: irrelevant

Example Sentence:

She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.

2. EMBELLISH (VERB): : elaborate

Synonyms: embroider, exaggerate

Antonyms: simplify

Example Sentence:

Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.


Synonyms: judiciary, juridical

Antonyms: ilegal

Example Sentence:

There would be a judicial inquiry into the allegations.

4. FACTION (NOUN): : infighting

Synonyms: dissension, dissent

Antonyms: harmony

Example Sentence:

The army faction strengthened day by day.

5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): : despairing

Synonyms: hopeless, anguished

Antonyms: cheerful

Example Sentence:

As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate.

6. DEFIANCE (NOUN): : resistance

Synonyms: opposition, confrontation

Antonyms: submission

Example Sentence:

Despite her defiance, her voice shook.

7. TEMERITY (NOUN): : audacity

Synonyms: boldness, nerve

Antonyms: shyness

Example Sentence:

No one had the temerity to question his conclusions.

8. SETBACK (NOUN): : problem

Synonyms: difficulty, issue

Antonyms: breakthrough

Example Sentence:

The violent attack was a serious setback for the peace process.

9. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): : spreading

Synonyms: circulation distribution

Antonyms: suppressing

Example Sentence:

The dissemination of public information was essential.

10. DRAB (ADJECTIVE): : colourless

Synonyms: grey, dull

Antonyms: bright

Example Sentence:

The landscape was drab and grey.

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