The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 23-09-2022

๐Ÿ“ฐ ( Friday - 09:05am ) ๐Ÿ“ฐ

1. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): : disorderly

Synonyms: disordered, disorganized

Antonyms: orderly

Example Sentence:

The administration of finance was as chaotic as the condition of parliament.


Synonyms: endangered, unsafe

Antonyms: invulnerable

Example Sentence:

Children are the most vulnerable members of society.

3. SPURN (VERB): : refuse

Synonyms: decline, reject

Antonyms: adore

Example Sentence:

He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned.

4. RETREAT (VERB): : withdraw

Synonyms: retire, draw back

Antonyms: advance

Example Sentence:

When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat.

5. MOUNT (VERB): : increase

Synonyms: grow, rise

Antonyms: decrease

Example Sentence:

The costs mount up when we buy a home.

6. LAX (ADJECTIVE): : slack

Synonyms: slipshod, negligent

Antonyms: stern

Example Sentence:

We must ever be lax with our security.

7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): : terrible

Synonyms: dreadful, appalling

Antonyms: good

Example Sentence:

Misuse of drugs can have dire outcomes.

8. DISENGAGE (VERB): : withdraw

Synonyms: leave, pull out of

Antonyms: enter

Example Sentence:

The commanders disengaged their forces.

9. REPRIEVE (VERB): : pardon

Synonyms: spare, acquit

Antonyms: charge

Example Sentence:

He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.

10. DEFECTION (NOUN): : desertion

Synonyms: absconding, decamping

Antonyms: joining

Example Sentence:

One defection from the government dissolved Temaru's majority.


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