The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15-09-2022

๐Ÿ“ฐ ( Thursday - 09:05 ) ๐Ÿ“ฐ

1. ALIENATE (VERB): : estrange

Synonyms: turn away, set apart

Antonyms: unite

Example Sentence:

We find nothing small or mean to alienate our respect from him.


Synonyms: criminal, offending

Antonyms: well behaved

Example Sentence:

Most delinquent children have deprived backgrounds.

3. MISADVENTURE (NOUN): : accident

Synonyms: problem, difficulty

Antonyms: good luck

Example Sentence:

The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.

4. EXCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): : complete

Synonyms: full, entire

Antonyms: partial

Example Sentence:

We need exclusive focus on education.

5. DE JURE (ADVERB): : by right

Synonyms: rightfully, legally

Antonyms: de facto

Example Sentence:

The President aims to create a de jure one-party state.


Synonyms: damaging, destructive

Antonyms: beneficial

Example Sentence:

The pernicious weed has spread all through the flower bed.

7. MULTIPLICITY (NOUN): : abundance

Synonyms: scores, mass

Antonyms: lack

Example Sentence:

The demand for higher education depends on a multiplicity of factors.

8. PLAUSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): : credible

Synonyms: reasonable, believable

Antonyms: unlikely

Example Sentence:

A discourse for which there were few takers earlier began to sound plausible.

9. FAINTLY (ADVERB): : slightly

Synonyms: vaguely, somewhat

Antonyms: extremely

Example Sentence:

She just smiled faintly.

10. MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): : innumerable

Synonyms: countless, infinite

Antonyms: numerable

Example Sentence:

He gazed at the myriad lights of the city.


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