The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 21-09-2022

📰 ( Wednesday - 09:05am ) 📰

1. DISSENSION (NOUN): : Disagreement

Synonyms: Difference of opinion, Dispute


Example Sentence:

These issues caused bitter dissension in the party.
2. CONTRACTION (NOUN): : Tightening

Synonyms: Tensing, Flexing

Antonyms: Relaxation

Example Sentence:

Neurons control the contraction of muscles.

3. RESUMPTION (NOUN): : Restart

Synonyms: Restarting, Reopening

Antonyms: Suspension

Example Sentence:

The rain has stopped, but we're still waiting for the resumption of the game.

4. DWINDLE (VERB): : diminish

 decrease, reduce

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

Traffic has dwindled to a trickle

5. NORMALITY (NOUN): : Routine

Synonyms: Business as usual, Order

Antonyms: Insanity

Example Sentence:

The office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.


Synonyms: Calculated, Deliberate


Example Sentence:

Strategic planning for the organization is the responsibility of top management.

7. SNARL (VERB): : Tangle

Synonyms: Entangle, Entwine

Antonyms: Untangle

Example Sentence:

The trailing lead got snarled up in a bramble bush.

8. SPECTRE (NOUN): : Ghost

Synonyms: Phantom, Apparition

Antonyms: Body, Flesh

Example Sentence:

A dread of spectres and witches affected every aspect of daily life.

9. VETERAN (NOUN): : Old hand

Synonyms: Old-timer, Old stager

Antonyms: Novice

Example Sentence:

Napoleon was at the head of a veteran army.


Synonyms:Non-native, Emigré

Antonyms: Native

Example Sentence:

Expatriate workers are found everywhere.


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