The Gds Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 24-09-2022

📰 ( Saturday - 09:05 am ) 📰

1. CONTEND (VERB): : Face

Synonyms: Cope with, Grapple with

Antonyms: Surrender, Allow

Example Sentence:

She had to contend with his uncertain temper.

2. BAR (VERB): : Prohibit

Synonyms: Debar,Preclude

Antonyms: Admit, Accept

Example Sentence:

Journalists had been barred from covering the elections.

3. SANCTIFY (VERB): : Consecrate

Synonyms: Bless, Ordain

Antonyms: Deconsecrate

Example Sentence:

He was consecrated bishop of York.

4. FURNISH (VERB): : Supply

Synonyms: Equip, Provide

Antonyms: Divest

Example Sentence:

Fish furnish an important source of protein.


Synonyms: Unobtrusive, Unremarkable

Antonyms: Conspicuous, Noticeable

Example Sentence:

That was an inconspicuous red-brick building.

6. VAUNT (VERB): : Boast

Synonyms: Show off

Antonyms: Criticized, Unsung

Example Sentence:

They have utterly eclipsed their vaunted American rivals.

7. HEFT (VERB): : Lift

Synonyms: Raise, Raise up

Antonyms: Put down

Example Sentence:

He lifted crates and hefted boxes.

8. VINDICATE (VERB): : Justify

Synonyms: Warrant, Substantiate

Antonyms: Disprove

Example Sentence:

More sober views were vindicated by events.

9. STAMPEDE (NOUN): : Panic

Synonyms: Rush, Flight

Antonyms: Retreat, Standing

Example Sentence:

The herd was fleeing back to the high land in a wild stampede.

10. DISCOURSE (NOUN): : Discussion

Synonyms: Conversation, Talk

Antonyms: Silence

Example Sentence:

They understand the language of political discourse only.


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