phile words🧖
Philia from A to z
Some Philes and what they mean...Which Philes describes you?🤔
1. Ailurophile.
A person who likes cats, a cat lover.
2. Astrophile.
A person who loves stars, astronomy.
Maybe astronomy not but I love stars a lot. Watching them can reduce stress and gives you a peaceful time in my personal experience.
3. Autophile.
A person who loves solitude, being alone.
Sometimes this can be me. Everyone needs sometime alone at some point of there life.
4. Bibliophile.
_A person who collects or has a great love of books.
No no no no.... This not for me.
5. Ceraunophile.
A person who loves lightning and thunder.
Yes I love thunders.
6. Chionophile.
A person who finds comfort in cold weathers .
Count me in. Cold weather is great and snow is a life time dream for me. So far I never had any experience of snow. Someday hopefully I would be able to fulfill this dream too.
7. Clinophile.
A lover of reclining, lying in bed.
That is so me.
8. Coimetrophile.
A person who lover of cemeteries.
Not really my thing.
9. Cynophile.
A person who loves canines, a dog lover.
In Islam its not allowed to touch Dogs and Pigs. Its forbidden. So I don't really like this.
10. Dendrophile.
A person who loves forests and trees.
I kinda love trees. But I live in Maldives and I don't get the actual forest feeling. Still you can count me in this one.
11. Discophile.
A person who loves vinyl; a record collector.
I'm not into this cox I haven't had that experience.
12. Heliophile.
A lover of the sun.
A yes to sun.
13. Hippophile.
Someone who loves horses.
Had my very first ride at Sri Lanka. I took only one small ride my whole life so far. That was the only time I went outside of Maldives. But an achieved life goal.
14. Limnophile.
A person who loves lakes.
If water is related to it, then Its my thing.
15. Logophile.
A person who is a lover of words.
Yes I love words.
16. Nyctophile.
A person who loves night, darkness.
I can't say no to this.
17. Oenophile.
A person who enjoys wines, usually as a connoisseur.
Again forbidden in my religion.
18. Photophile.
A person who finds comfort in natural light.
That's me.
19. Pluviophile.
A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
I'm a Pluviophile.
20. Pogonophile.
A person who is fond of, or loves beards.
Well I personally have beard and loves beard.
21. Retrophile.
A person who loves artifacts and aesthetics from the past.
Nope, not my kind of thing.
22. Selenophile.
A person who loves the moon.
I'm sure many will love this. I do.
23. Stigmatophile.
A person who is obsessed with tattoos, piercings.
There are cool tattoos and piercings but I not that into it.
24. Thalassophile.
A lover of the sea, someone who loves the sea, ocean.
I am Thalassophile in human form. Thalassophile is love, Thalassophile is life
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